The anniversary of September 11th can be a time of interfaith peace and cooperation. How will you honor and commit to working for greater peace and harmony between faiths this 9/11?
Religions for Peace USA and sponsoring organizations held the 9/11 Unity Walk — a 1-mile interfaith peace walk in honor of September 11th tragedy. On September 8th from 3PM to 5PM, interfaith leaders from New York City came together to reflect, walk and commit to continued cooperation and working for peace.
Beginning at St. Andrew’s Roman Catholic Church at 3:00 PM, the walk proceeded to Masjid Manhattan where Mrs. Gloria Williams, and Mr. Khabir John McGeehan offered their short reflections on the anniversary of 9/11. The Walk then proceeded on to the National September 11th Museum and Memorial where the final interfaith prayer service was held. Tickets were provided for the museum and memorial by Religions for Peace USA, where Rev. Dr. Chloe Breyer, Rev. Robert Chase, Mr. Homi Gandhi and Rev. T.K. Nakagaki offered their final reflections.
The 2013 9/11 Unity Walk was a cooperative partnership with the Interfaith Center of New York, Intersections International, and September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, all of whom have generously offered to have representatives offering reflections on the meaning of 9/11 for their community today.
See the video of the September 11th Museum and Memorial below:
The Event Flyer:
If you are interested in the 9/11 Unity Walk in Washington, D.C. instead, information can be found on