What Our Young Adults Have To Say To World’s Religious Leaders:
Voices of the North American Interfaith Youth Network
Young religious leaders who comprise the Religions for Peace North American Interfaith Youth Network(RFPNAIYN) recently sat down with Religions for Peace USA to discuss their perspectives on their faith, our challenges/opportunities today, and what they would tell the world’s religious leaders gathering at the IXth World Assembly of Religions for Peace, if they could address the Assembly in November at Vienna.
The Religions for Peace Global Interfaith Youth Network (RFPGIYN) is comprised of representatives who are religious youth from the religious communities that comprise Religions for Peace, including the world’s major traditions and everything from Aboriginals to Zoroastrians. Together they act on issues of common concern, such as ending violence against women and reducing arms.
Listen to their unique voices for peace:
Additional videos will be added as editing continues.
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