On March 15, 2021 Religions for Peace USA participated in an invitation-only virtual meeting to explore Sexual Harassment in Interfaith Spaces.

This virtual consultation was convened by the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs at Georgetown University, Faith Trust Institute, the International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation, Religions for Peace International, and World Faiths Development Dialogue.

The gathering was an exploratory conversation, aimed at understanding the various aspects of the challenges that religious institutions share with the society at large, in dealing with issues of sexual harassment. The objectives included recognizing and acknowledging the nature and patterns of harassment within interfaith work, exploring difficulties in addressing them effectively, and discussing paths forward.

Dr. Tarunjit Singh Butalia, Executive Director and Rev. Margaret Rose, Secretary of Religions for Peace USA participated in the forum at the invitation of the conveners.

All the discussions took place observing the Chatham house rules of non-attribution. The discussion was recorded and highlights of the meeting can be accessed at Religions for Peace International website at https://www.rfp.org/report-on-sexual-harassment-in-interfaith-space-highlights-and-conclusion-of-a-discussion-on-march-15-2021/.